Somantic - A visual search engine for real estate evaluation

I recently started working on a project called Somantic which will allow real estate investors to make visually intuitive rational decisions regarding property evaluation and the return on investment. The goal is to make Somantic easy to use and i…

Python for C++ Developers

Last year in November 2020 I held a short one hour training session for my collegues at Altran on python. Because the majority of my collegues are C++ developers and I myself am a C++ and python developer I decided to make the python introduction to…

Django cheat sheet

During the development of the homepage I created a simple cheatsheet for all the django commands which one uses frequently and thought about sharing it:

Start Server
$ python runserver
Run Tests


Ready. Set. Go!

Welcome! On my website I am centralizing my projects and interests. I will write articles about personal projects, books and about things I am interested in and currently learning.

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Welcome to my website. Here I share my knowledge, projects and interests.