Real estate valuation with self-organizing maps in Germany

![alt text](/media/uploads/51566591-1411-42c1-93cd-962573ca2083.png) In the ever-evolving real estate market, accurately determining property values is a complex challenge. Traditional valuation methods often fall short in capturing the nuanced a…

Somantic Production Release v1.0.0

The real estate market in Germany is growing and there is a lot of demand for affordable properties. Thus the goal of Somantic is to add transparency to the market and simplify decision making regarding buying and renting. Buyers, sellers, landlords…

Announcement: Somantic v0.1.0 relaunch!

We are relaunching Somantic version 0.1.0, scheduled to go live by the end of the year 2023! This release introduces improvements, optimizations, and an enhanced user experience. **Key Changes in Version 0.1.0**: In this release, we have made …

Food Manager v0.5.1 - Open Source Release

As a developer, I always strive to create useful and user-friendly apps that make people's lives easier. That's why I'm excited to announce that I've open sourced the code for my [Food Manager]( app on GitHub u…

Somantic v0.0.3 Release

Today I release the next version of [Somantic]( which supports multiple node selection on the map. Furthermore you can now filter your search based on the cash flow requirements you set. For example you want to select all n…

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